What is a chatbot? and the type of it

What is a chat bot?

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 A chat bot in short is an artificial intelligence (AI) program. He can work with you in a very natural way. Through chat programs such as Whats App or offline through websites. And in the last time we have seen a lot of chat bots on the sites

* Ok , why is it so widespread, or why is the chat bot important?*

The chat bot is useful in a number of customer experience.

Including providing customer service.

and report on the product.

and engaging customers through targeted marketing campaigns.

Currently, it is a very excellent marketing tool

I mean, if you have customers for one of the products, you can contact him.

On the one hand,

On the other hand, you can use chat bots to share popular products with customers

* Ok, so how can the chat bot understand what we are saying and respond to it as if it were a human?*

At first. Chat bot can look like a regular app.

There are (application - and database - APIs for calling external services) in the case of the Chat bot. The user interface is replaced by a chat (chat) interface.

Whereas Chat bots are easy to use for users.

However, it adds complexity to the application to deal with, and there is a general concern that the bot cannot understand the intent of the customer.

The bots are first trained on actual data.

Most companies that already have a chat bot should have a lot of conversations.

Developers use those logs to analyze what customers are trying to ask and what that means.

With a mix of machine learning models and tools, developers match the questions customers ask and answer them with the best appropriate answer.

For example: If the customer asks “Where is my payment receipt?” and “I did not receive the payment receipt.” It means the same thing.

The strength of developers is to train the models so that the chat bot can communicate both of these questions with the right intent.

As the output produces the correct answer if no comprehensive data is available.

Different data APIs can be used to train the Chat bot.

How is a chat bot trained?*

Chat bot training takes place at a much faster and greater scale than human education.

Human customer service representatives are given clues and asked to read and understand them.

While the Chat bot Customer Support is fed thousands of chat logs and from these logs.

The chat bot is able to understand the type of question that requires the type of answers.

*How does a chat bot work?* 

There are two types of chat bots, one that relies on a set of rules, and the other that is more sophisticated that uses machine learning.

What does this mean?

  • 1- Chat bot that works based on rules:

This bot is very, very limited, it can only respond to very specific commands, if you say the wrong thing it doesn't know what you mean.
This robot is only as smart as it is programmed to be.

  • 2- Chat bots that work using machine learning:
This robot has artificial intelligence, you don't have to be ridiculously specific when you talk to it. It understands language, not just commands.

This robot is constantly getting smarter as it learns from the conversations it has had with people.

*Which Chat bot App Right For You?*

There are different methods and tools that you can use to develop a chat bot. Depending on the use case you want to address.
Some chat bot technologies are more suitable than others. The best option might be to combine different forms of AI.
Such as natural language processing, machine learning, and semantic comprehension.

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