What is the benefit of Github and similar sites?

 What is the benefit of Github and similar sites?

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is one of the largest sites that contain software projects for companies and individuals, in which you can store your programming projects and make them public or available to you and your team only, and it has many great features that benefit you during the project development stage, and we will talk about the most important features.

Share others in development Pull Requests

Through Github and similar sites, you will be able to make the project’s code available for people to participate in in terms of development. For example, a person can add a new feature to the project and send you a Pull Request to review the feature. If you like it and find that everything is perfect, you integrate it (Merge) with The project and so on, and this is a great feature that makes all the people who are beneficiaries and users of the project to participate in its development.

Others Share Test Issues

As happened with the development point, there is also a point to test the project and extract problems, and anyone can test your project and put any problem you face so that you and your team or any of the contributors in the project can solve it by opening a new problem (Issue) and putting it in the repository ( Repository) of the project so that the team pays attention to it and solve it or open any discussion about it, and so on.

Versioning system

Your project in these sites is guaranteed to exist, and all versions are guaranteed, and you can refer to any file in the event of a problem, meaning you can consider it a backup copy of your project and all your code lines are completely safe, and anyone who uses an old version can also find it without any problem because of the existence of versions All within the project.

Contributions . Team Management and Evaluation

You can follow all the posts that the team makes in the project to know who the most people participate in the Code and you have great statistics so that you can easily evaluate the work team.

Another project path Fork

If your project is public and available to everyone, anyone can take a copy of the fork from it and develop it away from you or take a copy of the fork to test it so that he can develop in it and share the features with you and can complete the project in his own way and go on a different path for you and so on.


On the site, you can create a package for you and your team and include it next to your project to work on. The site supports many Package Managers such as NPM, NuGet, Ruby Gem

Managing large organizations

If you have a large company or Startup and you want to manage your team and allow anyone to join the work team, the site offers you a beautiful feature, which is to create a new organization and add team members inside it. .

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