What is programming?

What is programming?

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 What is programming, the concept of programming, definition of programming, the goal of learning programming, how to learn programming, and what are programmable devices, program definition, algorithm definition, types of programs or applications

Programming definition

Programming in English or Scripting, and programming is the process of creating or writing instructions or commands to be executed by the receiver, and the receiver is any programmable device.

Programming can be defined as a means of communication between humans (the programmer) and the machine (which is represented by any programmable device), as humans used to use different languages ​​such as Arabic or English to communicate with each other, a group of other languages ​​(programming languages) were invented. For communication between humans and machines, as is the case between humans who speak different languages ​​where a translator is used so that humans can understand different languages, this is also done between humans and machines where the programming language (which humans understand) is translated into the machine language which is represented by zero and one or It is also known as the binary system, which is the language that the machine understands by using specialized programs such as the Compiler or the Interpreter.

What are programmable devices?

Usually the code is written by a computer, but then you can transfer and run the program on any other machine, such as:

  • computer.
  • Mobile phone (mobile phone).
  • Robot (android).
  • Smart TVs.
  • Game player, such as XBox and Playstation.
  • Modern cars.

Any electronic device that contains a central processing unit (CPU), or microcontroller.

What is the purpose of programming?

The main goal of programming 

is to use only one machine or device to perform several tasks, as some hardware or as it is known as Hardware can be replaced by a set of programs provided that the used machine contains a central processing unit and that this unit is programmable, so you will not need to use a machine to collect Two numbers, another machine to act as an alarm, another machine to tell the time, another to call, and another... .

How do I learn programming?

In the beginning, it must be certain that anyone, regardless of their capabilities, can learn programming, and in order to learn programming, you need two main things, other than that you own a computer, namely:

  • Expand your thinking or what is known as a Growth Mindset, for example telling yourself that you can do something, as opposed to saying that you are not capable of doing it.
  • To apply what you learn continuously, preferably with a coach or teacher.

In addition, you should know that learning programming is not an easy task, as it takes a lot of time and effort to become a professional programmer.

What is the best way to learn programming?

There is no one method suitable for all people, but in general, most of those who learned programming started watching courses on the Internet, whether Arab or foreign courses, and there are many of them, if programming is not within the field of study.

Also, you can read some programming books, or read the official documents for any programming language you want to learn, and whatever way you start, you should know that sooner or later you will resort to reading the official documents of programming languages.

A separate article has been devoted to answering this question, which is how to start learning the basics of programming languages ​​from scratch. During this article, I tried to explain the best way from my point of view to learn programming well from scratch to professionalism.

It remains to be familiar with some concepts related to programming, which are as follows

Program definition

The program is in English, and the program is a set of commands or code called algorithms, and these commands are written in any programming language and then translated or converted into machine language, so that the machine can execute the commands, or in short, run the program.

Programming commands are converted into machine language by using specialized programs such as the Compiler or the Interpreter, and the program used is determined according to the classification of the programming language used, or in other words, the programming language belongs to any type of programming language.

Algorithm definition

Algorithms are known in English as Algorithms, and they are also known as Problem Solving, and through this name you can define an algorithm as a set of steps that are applied to a set of available data known as Inputs, to get a result (problem solving), which is What is known as Output, and these steps are simply the algorithm.

Program types

Programs can be classified into four main categories or types, as follows:

Native/Local Software - Native Applications

They are independent programs that do not depend on any other programs, that have an interface for the user to interact with, and that are run directly from the user's device, whether it is a computer, mobile or any other device.

Examples of these programs are the Internet browser program, word processing program, music player program, image processing program Photoshop, code editor, and other programs.

Daemon Applications

They are programs that run continuously in the background, and that do not have an interface for user interaction.

Examples include computer hardware drivers, operating system update software, web server software, and many other hidden programs.

Web Applications

They are programs that contain one or more Web pages, which are designed for the user to interact with, and that run within any Internet browser program.

Examples include the program for managing your bank account (on the bank's website), the program for managing e-mail such as Gmail or Yahoo, or the most famous and most used program, Google Sheets, and Google Docs.

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