Industrial Internet of Things in Russia and in the World

 Industrial Internet of Things in Russia and in the World

industrial internet of things

 Globalization and technological progress lead humanity to the fact that more and more routine work that was previously done by hired workers is performed by robots or robotic mechanisms controlled from a remote web server. The Internet network has entwined the whole world and the speed of data transfer on the Internet is growing every year. 4G high-speed data transfer technology is being replaced by 5G networks, in which information is transmitted almost instantly. The Industrial Internet of Things (IOT) has been a consequence of the development of these technologies.

The many faces of IiOT

         IIP (Industrial internet of things, IiOT) is a complex system that provides automatic control of manufacturing enterprises through a worldwide network. In practice, it looks like this: the human factor is almost completely excluded from work on industrial production equipment, all processes and production algorithms are fully automated and robotic, and they are controlled using software based on artificial intelligence (AI).

         The production units are equipped with multi-level analyzer sensors, controllers, video recorders and other technical components responsible for collecting and transmitting data. All information is sent to a special remote web server, which, with the help of AI, analyzes it, processes it and makes operational decisions.

         In fact, humanity has entered the era of a new technological revolution, which has already been called the “4th wave of innovations”. In the future, digital robotics will not only replace people at the machine, but will also be able to quickly deliver food to a given point on a GPS map, diagnose and repair a breakdown in a car, and even launch a satellite into space.

         The global potential of the industrial Internet, where things are made to order for a specific consumer, is huge. IioT can cover all industries: clothing, food, medicine, heavy engineering, energy, mining, oil and oil and gas industries.  

Some statistics: In July 2019, the international analytical company Gartner published a report on the study of the potential market for the industrial Internet of things. The study is called: "Magic Quadrant for the Internet of things in industry" (Eng. "Magic Quadrant for Industrial IioT"). Research results have shown that by 2023 the number of enterprises using IIoT can grow up to 30%.



According to the report, the world leaders in the use of IiOt technologies are corporations:

  • Tesla;
  • Hitachi;
  • IBM;
  • Apple;
  • Atos;

         It is worth noting that the Russian market for the industrial Internet of things is also not standing still. In June of this year, the technical committee “Cyber ​​physics. systems” under Rosstandart opened for public assessments and proposals a preliminary action plan for the implementation of national standards in the field of IRP. According to the projects, the volume of additional income and savings in connection with the use of innovations of the 4th wave is estimated by analysts in the amount of about five trillion. rub.

         Experts believe that max. the effect of using the latest IioT technologies can bring industries related to non-primary production, as well as in the oil and gas sectors. According to rough estimates, the effect of using IioT in this sector of the economy may exceed $1 trillion. rubles. Such sectors as agro-industry and transport logistics are also in trend, here the potential for additional finance inflow can reach 600 billion rubles.

         At the last presentation of 5G wireless communication capabilities, as part of the promotion of the Digital Economy federal project, representatives of Rostec spoke about the main advantages of introducing cyber technologies of the Internet of Things in the industrial and public sectors. Also, a roadmap was announced for the gradual introduction of IioT in all sectors of the Russian economy.

Common IoT terminology

         Wave 4 innovation technologies have common terms used in scientific research and economic analysis.

The Internet of things (IoT, iot, internet of things) is a complex computer system that combines local computers, cloud servers, computer networks and material objects (things) that are controlled by sensors-controllers and means of collecting and processing information in automatic mode, excluding the human factor (we have already written a lengthy article on this topic );

The Internet of Things in Industry (IOT, IiOT) is an IoTused on an industrial scale in production and in global corporations to speed up and simplify the work of employees, to fully automate production processes, excluding human influence on them.

Smart City (English - "smart city") - means the automation and synchronization of urban video surveillance systems, lighting modes, water and heat supply, traffic lights, security systems, etc. under the guidance of AI and special software, eliminating or minimizing human influence to these processes.

Smart House (English - "smart house") - automation of life support systems for apartment buildings and individual cottages.

How the Internet of Things works in industry

         “The electric kettle itself brews tea exactly on time, the robot vacuum cleaner cleans the room in the morning, and the refrigerator orders groceries from the nearest supermarket ...” - you think this is the plot of the science fiction film “Back to the Future”, no - this is reality, because the future is already has come and the reason for this is the development of the Internet of things.

            The principle of operation of the IV can be considered with a simple example. Now the project "Smart Home" (UD) is popular. What does this mean for the common man? A smart home involves managing your home directly from the smartphone screen using household applications. In such a house, the heating, air conditioning, water treatment, lighting, video surveillance, etc., as well as almost all household appliances (refrigerator, TV, etc.) are combined into one complex home local area network using wireless communication technologies, which is controlled by using IV.

         The owner of a smart home can easily set the desired air temperature, turn on or off any electrical appliance connected to the network and check the status of the wiring in the power grid, remotely, while in the office or even on a business trip in another country. Very convenient, isn't it? These are the advantages and achievements that the use of IoT gives in everyday life. 

         In industry, the application of IV technology is more global. Cloud servers store and process huge amounts of information that come from sensors, video cameras, water supply systems, etc.

         At the enterprises of transnational corporations, IIP makes it possible to automate the full cycle of industrial production: from the design of a new model to the final release of the finished product to the market and its delivery to the final consumer.

Advantages of using PIP:

full automation of production processes;

remote control of entire enterprises with a minimum number of employees at maximum capacity;

exclusion of the influence of the human factor;

comprehensive protection of databases stored on a remote cloud server;

high mobility and data transfer rate using the latest communication capabilities of 5G networks;

automatic forecasting and calculation of efficiency indicators, production capacities, service life and equipment efficiency;

round-the-clock monitoring of the enterprise in real time;

instant access of management personnel and members of the board of directors to any information about the enterprise.

Forecast of growth in the volume of the global IRP market

         Expert analytical studies conducted by the international company Gartner showed that its growth rates are rapid and increase exponentially every year. This is facilitated by a large number of devices that have direct access to the global network. According to the estimates of the consulting company Cisco, today for every inhabitant of the planet there are at least 7 different interactive mobile devices operating online. This means that the number of "smart" devices is growing along with the population of the Earth.

         Each “thing” connected in this way to the network requires maintenance, software updates, and in the event of a breakdown, repair. All this data can be tracked using IoT by multinational corporations that produce and sell "smart items".

         Experts from American consulting companies J'son&Partners Consulting and Global Market Insights determined the growth rates of the global IoT market for the period 2010-2020:

  • 2013 - the total volume of the global IoT market was equal to 98 billion dollars. USA and 14.2 billion devices with a direct connection to the global network;
  • 2015 - 113.7 billion dollars;
  • 2017 - 312.8 billion dollars;
  • by 2020, these figures, in comparison with 2013, will increase by more than 3 times, and will amount to approximately 360 billion rubles. USD USA and almost 35 billion devices, respectively;

         According to the results of analytics of the CAGR research center, the average annual growth rate of the global IoT market will be 14.4% for the period from 2017 to 2023, which in monetary terms means a volume of more than 700 billion dollars. in year.

         According to alternative forecasts by Machina Research, the global IRP market will grow to $484.5 billion per year by 2025, which is 11% of the total IRP market of $4.3 trillion per year. for the same time period.

         The greatest demand and development of IiOt technologies is predicted in the following sectors of the economy:

  • heavy engineering;
  • medicine and health care;
  • transport;
  • housing and communal services;
  • smart cities.

Results of using IioT platforms in various industries

         To understand how effective the use of technological IioT solutions is, one should turn to practical models and the results of their application in specific industrial areas.

aircraft industry

         In July 2019, the management of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, presented the ambitious Industry 4.0 project, which was remotely launched in test mode personally by the Deputy Minister. The demo model reproduces the full assembly cycle of the MS-21 airliner in the so-called. virtual workshop. Right at the presentation, a machine was launched that creates a key aircraft part of any aircraft - a mounting bolt.

energy saving

            An example of a successfully implemented project in the field of energy saving is the introduction of a system of smart electricity meters in Moscow. The data from the meters is transmitted online to the central server of the service provider, payment for which occurs online through the Internet banking system. If the subscriber has not paid the bill on time, then the power supply is automatically blocked for the debtor until the bill is paid.

         There is also feedback: if for some reason the system failed and the power supply was cut off, then the AI ​​will quickly determine the cause of the malfunction and the location of a possible breakdown by geolocation, and, if necessary, send a repair team to troubleshoot.

         The system also carries out comprehensive monitoring of current indicators of voltage in the network. In the event of unforeseen power surges, the protection mechanism is triggered and the supply of energy resources is stopped until the malfunction is eliminated


         A successful example of the implementation of IRP technologies in everyday life is the implementation of a system for monitoring, payment and geolocation of public transport in cities. On the example of the city of Lviv (Ukraine), one can see how convenient for passengers and how well this project was implemented: at the stops there is an electronic display that displays information about the route number and the length of time through which this type of transport (tram, trolley bus, etc. .) will arrive at the stop. In addition, the movement of fixed-route transport can be interactively

track on the screen of mobile devices in a special application. Payment for travel services can be made using special citizen cards, a bank card by bank transfer, or a single / multiple-use electronic ticket with a QR code purchased via the Internet.

Remote monitoring and predictive diagnostics

         The development strategy of modern enterprises and businesses involves an accurate calculation of all possible risks at any level of production process management. The key goal is to minimize the cost of depreciation of working equipment and increase the speed of production. Now this goal is easily achieved by automating monitoring processes and calculating possible malfunctions at all stages of product manufacturing. This model works as part of the introduction of IIP technology at enterprises and is called predictive diagnostics.

         Predictive equipment diagnostics help increase productivity, save on depreciation costs and improve product quality.

         Special software installed on the server receives data from each machine and unit involved in production. Sensors installed on the equipment record any malfunction, performance, power, etc., the information is transmitted to the cloud server. The data is processed and an operational decision is made on the further use of the equipment or its repair, replacement, etc.

Trends in the Russian IoT market

         Among the main trends in the IoT market in Russia, there are several key priority areas for development:

  • IT sector, a key segment that is responsible for the software component of all physical objects connected to the network;
  • communication services using the latest technical solutions of 5G networks. For example, a representative of the mobile operator Rostelecom, at one of the recent press conferences, said that the company is ready to provide full support for 5th generation networks by 2023.
  • introduction of predictive diagnostics in heavy industry;
  • smart city;
  • smart house;
  • scientific developments in the field of AI;
  • robotics.

Factors Affecting the Growth of the Russian IioT Market

  • Prospects for the global introduction of IRP technologies in all spheres of life;
  • constantly growing volumes of consumption and requests for new technological solutions;
  • public sector support;
  • development of communications of cellular networks;
  • partnership with transnational companies and foreign experience;
  • the need for completely new integrated solutions for industrial safety systems.

Factors holding back growth

  • excessive globalization;
  • bureaucracy in the public sector;
  • high competition in international markets;
  • outdated technologies;
  • harmful impact on the planet's ecosystem;
  • economic instability;
  • outflow of investors;
  • lack of specialists;
  • geographic and natural conditions.

         Summing up, it is worth noting the positive trend in the development of modern technologies of the 4th wave of innovations, data on the rapid growth of the IoT market confirm the global prospect of full-fledged robotization of industrial processes.

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