Sunflower Plants - Tips for Growing Sunflowers in the Garden

 Sunflower Plants - Tips for Growing Sunflowers in the Garden

If your garden area is used for evening relaxation and entertainment, add the seductive scent of sunflowers to the garden. Large white or purple flowers on a climbing vine offer a wonderful evening scent when growing sunflowers.

Sunflower Plants - Tips for Growing Sunflowers in the Garden

Sunflower plants (Ipomoea alba) are perennial vines in sub-tropical regions, but gardeners with cold winters can successfully grow sunflower plants as annuals. A member of the Ipomea family, sunflower plants are related to morning glory with sweet potato vine and afternoon blooms. Large, heart-shaped leaves enhance the attractive sunflower vine.

How to Grow Sunflower Vine

Sunflowers in the garden do not need much ground space, as they climb up easily. Provide a trellis or other support for strong vines. Growing sunflowers can reach 20 feet (6 m.) As part of sunflower care, you can pinch growing sunflowers at the top of the vine to force blooms downward.

Sunflower plants are winter-hardy perennials in zones 10-11, but they can be effectively grown as annuals in cooler zones. They grow easily from seed when planted in somewhat fertile soil, but are adaptable to other soil conditions. In colder climates, seeds can be started six to eight weeks before the soil outside warms. Plant sunflowers outside when outside temperatures are consistently 60 to 70 F (15-20 C).

Some growers find that crowded roots in the pot encourage earlier flowering in sunflower plants. Sunflower vines can be grown in large containers or you can plant them in the ground. More sunflowers can be started from root division of existing plants. Mulch the roots of sunflowers in southern areas and dig for winter storage in colder areas.

The light requirements for growing sunflowers can be adapted, but the more sun the more blooms.

Caring for Sunflowers

Water small plants regularly and provide supplemental water as the sunflower vines grow.

Regular fertilizing at half strength with a high phosphorus fertilizer encourages more flowering in this plant. Too much nitrogen fertilizer can limit flowering and cause copious growth of foliage.

Now that you know how to grow a sunflower vine and care for sunflowers, be sure to add some to your garden or any sunny area where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and wonderful evening scents, especially in the night moon garden. .

Note :Most Ipomea species contain lysergic acid, especially the seeds, which can be toxic if ingested. Keep these plants away from small children or pets in the garden.

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