Ten reasons why you fail to learn programming

 Ten reasons why you fail to learn programming

The first reason

To say that the programming language you are learning is difficult and I will not be able to learn it. Imagine with me if your manager asked you to complete a task and you simply said to him, "I can't," what would his reaction be? Therefore, there is no such thing in this field as I can’t learn or difficult, but there is experience and effort, so you must learn and develop yourself and your level to increase your value at work and succeed in the field.

The second reason

To look for material gain on the first day you started learning and you do not know even a single piece of information. You are now like the person who started working in a company and demands salary from the first day without working a single day. Therefore, it is not correct to ask about harvesting before planting. Therefore, you must get tired, learn and forget the material income at the beginning of your life, and focus on learning only, and when you reach your goal, rest assured that money will look for you. So give the field its right first so that you can get your right after learning.

third reason

To choose what you learn according to your whims and say that this programming language I do not like and this programming language I like, and this is a very common mistake that makes many people ask the usual question, which is such a language I do not like, can I ignore it? This field is not the type in which you ignore something that will increase your practical experience and your value in the labor market. This field has everything integrated and within one structure, and if you ignore part of the structure, it will ruin the entire structure.

Fourth reason

To feel that the field is small and can be fully learned in a short time, and feel upset if you find that the field is very large. You get upset about the number of videos in a particular course and always look for the smaller number. Imagine with me if the educational course was easy and the number of its videos was small and the field was small and very simple, you will find your neighbors, your family, your friends and everyone you know working in the field because it is easy and simple, so you should know that this is a strong field and it requires a lot of fatigue and effort from you and not anyone can master it and deal with it .

Fifth reason

You look at some of the people who have been in the field for many years and say to yourself, I can't do the same thing they do. Imagine with me if I entered a gym and then found world champions and some famous bodybuilders. And after you have exercised for two days or a week, you want to be like them, and this is completely far from logic and justice, as he has built his body in many years, so you must get tired like him, learn, wait and be patient. And if you want to always look at them, look at them for motivation and make them a goal for you to reach one day.

Sixth reason

To search for the best language or the best framework and enter this strange cycle, which is an endless cycle, and it is not correct to compare programming languages ​​or anything else, as everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and every project needs the right thing for it. Car, bicycle and plane are all means of transportation. Imagine with me if you wanted to travel from one country to another, you could travel by plane, by car, and the plane was faster, but you could not travel by bike. And imagine with me if you want to go to your friend five minutes away from you in nearby streets, you will not be able to go by plane, and if the streets are narrow, you will not also be able to go by car, and therefore the bicycle is the best way for you, so you cannot compare in general here, but you can compare in terms of what is required. Also, if you search for statistics on programming languages ​​and find that most of the world works in a specific programming language, this does not mean that you leave your language and go to this language. Do only work in the field that you love.

Seventh reason

To memorize the codes and be convinced that design and programming only memorize codes. Imagine with me if you memorized the codes and went to work in a company and they did a very simple and new test for you, you would not be able to do it because you relied on programming and design as memorizing, not understanding. Therefore, you must always learn the concept and understand the idea so that you can solve the most complex challenges, not just the simplest. As for memorization, it will come from a lot of practice after understanding.

Eighth reason

To ignore anything in your field, no matter how small it is, and do not try to understand it, and the famous saying says that it works, there is no need to understand the reason. Increase your value and this is one of the qualities of a successful programmer who likes to understand everything how it happened and why it happened.

The ninth reason

It is the boredom of learning at the beginning of learning and it is a strong reason and frustrates many people. Boredom. If it comes to you at the beginning of your learning in this field in particular, the biggest reason is that you do not have a passion or love for the field or you do not have a goal to learn because of it. This field does not get bored of it, as it is fun like video games, movies, reading, and it can be more as well. Therefore, you should completely banish the boredom from you or move away from the field a little and do something you love from your hobbies and then return to it again to try again.

The tenth reason

To always imitate those who teach you and do not try to be alone in your thinking and try everything for yourself. This will make you, with time, a stereotypical, non-renewable person, always waiting for the explanation and information to do its work, and you will not be able to invent anything yourself. Therefore, you must go outside this framework and think outside the box and be unique with your ideas and creativity, and after learning from anyone, you apply in your own way, change and experiment a lot until you develop and surpass the person you learn from.

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