What does IDE mean? And what are its features?

 What does IDE mean? And what are its features?

 We start with the meaning of the word IDE = Integrated Development Environment, which is a program for writing the code and contains a work environment in which the software tools you need all, and each IDE is different from the other, and this is what distinguishes it from any normal Text Editor that needs to add additional Extensions to get these features and features differ from one IDE to another. We know the advantages of IDEs


We can say it is the compiler or the translator of the Codes, and it is responsible for converting the Source Code, which is the code that you write into a Code that the computer understands directly because the Code that you write in one of the High Level Programming Languages, for example, is the Code close to the human being, understandable and unintelligible. It is written in the computer language, so there must be a Compiler to make this conversion from the programming language in which you are writing to Machine Code


It is the compiler that runs the code directly without converting it to a computer language. The IDE can be a Compiler, an Interpreter, or both.

Version Control

It is the version control system for the software application that you are doing, and this is an indispensable feature where you can go back to any version in the application and return to any old file and everything is protected and there is a copy of it so that no problems occur during programming and one of the most important sites that provide this service is a site like Github, Gitlab

Intelligent Code Completion

It is the smart system to complete the Code, as there are many programs that help you complete the Code, and not only this, but you write all the language functions, including the inputs inside the function, and there is a complete reference to the language and not only the completion of the Code, but you can write a specific function And you find a complete definition of it, what it accepts, and everything related to it in detail.

Error Check & Debugging

It is the feature of alerting the presence of a specific error while writing, and not only this, but it writes you a full report about the problem and in any line. This report differs from one editor to another according to its features, but the feature is present and also the feature of debugging, which makes you put breaks inside the code and make the program walk it one step Step and see the results to know where the problem is and what is the function or code that causes this problem in order to track it down and reach the solution.

FTP Client

It is the program responsible for uploading files to your site, and the word FTP is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol, which is the protocol responsible for uploading files, downloading and modifying them on your site or its server, and it is not the only way. You can upload files directly through the cPanel site control panel, for example, but the advantage of having this The method in the IDE is that when modifying any file and making a save, it uploads it directly to the site instead of using an external program after completion, which is a very, very important feature for those who work on their online files directly and do not work on Localhost

Class and Object

Many editors enable you to browse your classes and objects, and not only that, but they can make a graph of the structure of the application you are making and help you a lot to implement your idea. This is very important for anyone who works in any language that uses the Object Oriented Programming so as not to cause problems in organizing the Objects and Classes, and this is a very important and very effective feature.

Library Dependencies

The editor contains everything you need from libraries related to the language. For example, if you are working on PHP and using a framework such as Laravel or YII, you will find the editor contains everything you need to create a project with these frameworks. In the field of design, imagine with me that you want to create a new project and use a framework such as Bootstrap. Once you choose a new project and choose the framework, it creates the project and calls all the framework files in their proper place, for example bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js and the Directory of Fonts and so on and makes things easier for you all of which.

Database Management

It is a beautiful and very important feature in dealing with the database directly from modifying and creating tables and dealing with all data from deleting, modifying, writing queries and everything

Multiple Language Support

And it is the important feature that makes you work on one IDE and you do not need to download more than one program to write the code, which is to provide support for more than one language. Front-End by Html, Css, JavaScript which is a nice feature to support all languages ​​in the same program


It is a feature of restructuring the code and not the behavior of the program in the sense of changing the names to be more logical, easier and more organized. It is used to reduce complexity and do not change the features of the software application. For example, if you have a function that is used everywhere its name make() in case it is dealt with from any A programmer in the team will not understand its meaning and it can be more complicated if its name is mk() and therefore it does a complete Refactor to change its names to a suitable name for understanding and to reduce the complexity of makeLetterCapital() for example, here we changed the name everywhere but we did not change the characteristics and behavior of the program itself Nothing will change in implementation. And of course, the Refactor is not only changing the name, but the structure of the code and the code instructions. For example, you can have a function that does a task in a long and complex way and is subject to the emergence of problems. You can change it to do the same task, but with fewer lines and in an easy way to maintain it and easy to detect errors in it, but it did not We are changing the behavior and attributes of the software application. In some cases, you can make minor changes to solve a problem during the Refactor


It is a feature of checking if the code is compatible with language standards or not, and it is a way to make you write the code in a way that is in line with language standards through a specific pattern. For example, let's take an example of the JavaScript language.

Some other features you can read about

  •      Build Automation
  •      Code Snipping
  •      Code Highlight

Most Popular IDEs You Can Work With

  •      PHP Storm
  •      Netbeans
  •      Eclipse
  •      Visual Studio
  •      Aptana Studio 3
  •      Komodo IDE
  •      Coda

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